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Terms & Conditions
All Real Beauty products are solely owned by Real Beauty, which is a registered business in Barbados. NO items purchased on this site should be used for resale.
Prohibited uses of our website
You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy or resell any part of our website or any content from our website, save and except to the extent expressly permitted in these Terms of Use.
You must not, without our prior written consent, access, interfere with, damage or disrupt in any way our website or any part of it, our systems, any of our hardware or equipment or any networks on which our website is hosted, any software that we use to create or modify the website or to make the website available to you, or any hardware, equipment, network, server, software or technology owned or operated by us or any third party.
You must use our website for lawful purposes only and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You must not use our website:
for any purpose that is unlawful or that in any way breaches any applicable laws or regulations, whether local, national or international;
for any fraudulent purposes whatsoever;
to conduct any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or direct or indirect marketing to anyone by any means, or to otherwise spam, communicate with or market to anyone any goods, services or business not authorised by us;
to upload, host or transmit any viruses, malware, adware, spyware, worms, Trojan horses, keystroke loggers, spyware, logic bombs, time bombs or any other harmful programs or code which could adversely affect the use or operation of the website, our hardware or systems, or the computers, tablets, phones or other devices of any users or other third parties, or to upload any content or materials containing any such content;
to communicate with, harm or attempt to harm children in any way; or
in any way or for any purpose that breaches these Terms of Use or the terms of any of the documents these Terms of Use refer to.
You must not submit any information about you to us if you are under the age of 18, or about any other person who is either:
under the age of 18; or
if they are aged 18 or above, where you have not received their prior written consent to submit information about them to us.
You must not submit to us any information which is considered ‘sensitive personal information’. ‘Sensitive personal information’ is information about you or any other person which reveals your or their racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or which is genetic data, biometric data, information which concerns your or their health, sex life or sexual orientation.
If you accidentally or intentionally submit such information to us, you will be considered to have consented to our processing of that information on the basis of Article 9(2)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/769).
Ownership of material on our website
All trade marks, service marks, trade names, logos, copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and its content are either owned by us or licensed to us. All such rights are protected by intellectual property laws around the world, and all rights are reserved. Any use of the website and its contents, other than as specifically authorised herein, is strictly prohibited. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.
The trade marks, service marks, trade names, logos and other branding owned by third parties and used or displayed on or via our website (collectively, “Third Party Mark(s)”) may be trade marks of their respective owners, who may or may not endorse or be affiliated with or connected with us. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, or in terms provided by the owner of a Third Party Mark, nothing in these Terms of Use or on or via the website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any licence or right to use any of our or any Third Party Marks that are used or displayed on the website, without the respective owner’s prior written permission, in each instance. All goodwill generated from the use of our trade marks will benefit us exclusively.
We reserve the right to update these Terms of Use, our privacy policy, our cookies policy and any other documentation referred to in any of these documents from time to time. We may change our Terms of Use and other documentation for any reason, including:
to reflect any changes in the way we carry out our business;
to account for any changes we make to our website, including, without limitation, any new features or functionality we provide, any adjustments to the means by which we provide notices to you, or any changes in the content, purpose or availability of the website;
to accurately describe our current data-processing activities so that you are kept up to date with our latest practices;
to inform you of any changes in the way that we use cookies or similar information-gathering technologies; or
to ensure that our documentation complies and remains compliant with any and all current and future applicable laws, regulations and official guidance.